
3º - http://clic.xtec.cat/db/act_es.jsp?id=1208


Interactivo con listening (pequeños): http://www.wikisaber.es/Contenidos/LObjects/Macmillan_bb1_actJ/index.html

Búsqueda JClic por áreas y ciclos:   http://clic.xtec.cat/db/listact_es.jsp?lang=es&ordre=0&desc=1&from=1&area=lleng&idioma=en&nivell=PRI&text_titol=&text_aut=&text_desc=&num=25

Correct the mistakes: http://club.telepolis.com/englishweb/mistakes01.html


English activities: http://club.telepolis.com/englishweb/indiceingles.html



This man is wanted in connection with a robbery at the ValueMart grocery store on June 7th. He is tall and thin. He has short, wavy, black hair. If you see him, call the police department immediately.

Answer the questions about the text with "True" or "False".

1. ValueMart is a grocery store.

True           False

2. The robbery was on July 7th.

True           False

3. The man is short.

True          False

4. He has curly hair.

True          False

5. He has blonde hair.

True          False


Ejercicios de inglés para practicar el Past Simple del verbo To Be.
Complete the sentences with was/ were

1) They __________ at the hospital three days ago.

2) You ____________at the museum two days ago.

3) The children_____________ quiet.

4) Jenny_______________ in Holland last week.

5) She______________ home for dinner last Wednesday.

6) My dog __________ hungry yesterday.

7) There________________ a good film on TV yesterday.

8) We_____ in Brazil last summer. There ______ many beautiful beaches there.

9) Fred and Wanda _______________at school this morning.

10) I ____________surprised yesterday.

11) I ________________ in Paris last spring.

12) We ______________at school last Saturday.

13) Maria and I_____________ at home yesterday.

14) Rob___________ sad yesterday. He had a lot of homework.

15) Bob and Mike_____________ Jenny's friends.

16) You ____________ very tired on Friday.

17) They ________________ in front of the supermarket.

18) I _______________ in the museum

19) She ____________in South Africa last month.

20) Jane and Vicky____________ late for school.

21) She is thirty now, so last year she _________ twenty-nine.

22) I __________________ at home two weeks ago.

23) I got married when I ____________ thirty.

24) It was a great day, but we _____________ so tired.

25) I didn't buy those earrings because they __________ugly.

26) When I _______________ a child we lived in the country.

27) Where ___________ you yesterday afternoon?

28The kids ________ good in the evening.

29 The parents ____________ angry last week.

30) Why _________ he so sad last Sunday?

Aquí tenéis un traductor, es bastante bueno. Ah! poned los altavoces y escucharéis la pronunciación.